As to the title of this blog, it has to do with an inspiration of the Holy Spirit and a seminar, so hang in there while I try to explain. Once upon a time, our parish, St. Peter's, was holding their annual "Life in the Spirit Seminar" and it was my first time going and I didn't expect anything extraordinary. However, the seminar was very fulfilling and a great experience (I wont go into details). That night, once I was in bed, I couldn't fall asleep and I was pondering on what God wanted me to do with my life. I then decided to analyze my name: Victoria Rose. Well, "Victoria" is Latin for "victory" and "Rose" means...well...rose. What on earth could I do with those two meanings? Hey! I could strive in my life to be a "victory rose" for Christ; meaning, every day I would strive to make my "rose" bloom by trying to live the life of a true Christian, young lady, but every time I sinned I would put a thorn on the stem. At the end of the day, I would present my "rose" to Christ. I pictured myself handing my rose to Jesus and Him reaching down to scoop it up. Think how it must hurt him to pick it up and be pricked by all my thorns/sins. So, thorns=sins, rose=when I am a true Christian. This little analogy would help me to overcome my faults by not wanting to injure Jesus.
The End

Well, that is the best I can do; sorry if it isn't that clear. Thanks.
That is a really neat idea!
Great work on the blog! Welcome to the blogsphere! (Very good introductory post!)
LOL, that's the template I first picked out!
Thank you, thank you! *curtsies*
Yeah, I know; it is so pretty I had to have it.
Thank you, thank you! *curtsies*
Yeah, I know; it is so pretty I had to have it.
Hannah(Elizabeth Swan)
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