Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sink or Swim

Have you ever gotten to a point in life where it feels like you are have to either sink or swim? Guess what? I'm there! I feel like I have swam an incredible distance and I am only a foot away from reaching land...but I feel so exhausted that I don't even want to try to swim the last foot...just sink away.

If you haven't guessed it already, I'm referring to school. Yes, I am finally this close *holds two fingers close together* to graduating from high school forever! However, one thing stands in my way: the gigantic, terrifying research report on Roe v. Wade. I'm telling you, it's a monster! As soon as I defeat this beast (which I really don't feel like tackling), I can be free for a whole summer and never have to return to Seton Home Study again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, to attack or to continue to put it off like I'm doing now by writing this post? :P


Lydwina said...

You can do it, Vicki!!! I'll be praying for you!! :)

Little Flower said...

I'll be praying for you too! I know you can do it! I'm in the same "boat" as you with my math class right now. One project and a final away from the end, and they're both pass-fail.