Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Psalm 45:10-11

Hear, O daughter, consider, and incline your ear;
forget your people and your father's house;
and the king will desire your beauty.
Since he is your lord, bow to him...


Cousin Rose said...

The perfect Psalm for those who are discerning their vocation,like me. :) Thanks for sharing! It was nice to see you over the weekend, and I loooved how you did my hair!

~Cousin Rose~

Claire said...

Blessings to you, Victoria! Thank you for reminding me of this beautiful verse.

Your Sister in Him,

Victoria Rose said...

Rose - It was great to see you too!! I'm glad you liked your hair; I'm sorry I didn't have more time to do something fancier.

Claire - You're welcome. :)