Monday, September 15, 2008

Because I Couldn't Be Outdone By Swann and Gibbs...

I am wishing you a happy be-lated birthday post!

I am so glad I was able to spend your birthday with you Coon! We had so much fun together, strengthening our friendships, creating memories, and having a blast! I wish you another year of happiness!

Here are some of my photographs from your big day!

THE best bowling team... the Pirates of the Black Pearl!

Go Vicki!

Cap'n Coon Sparrow

Our hallowed bowling balls

Hannah's shoe picture!

Another fabulous Cap'n Coon Sparrow!

The wierd and wacky Pirates

The same pirates... only more sane looking!

The new 18 year old!

Hope you didn't forget to make a wish!

Love ya!

Captain Fox Turner =)

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